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The New Year Newsletter - December 2023


Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year! 2023 was incredible: we hit the milestone of 50 memoirs, worked on an awesome collection of books, audiobooks, and videos for my amazing clients and their families, and are deep into another slew of inspirational projects. I feel immense gratitude for all of the families I worked with this year, for the opportunity to get to know you, and for the trust you give me.

I could not be more excited for 2024, another great year ahead of stories, friendships, and warm feelings. No matter where you are in life, it is never too soon to start capturing your family stories to ensure they never disappear from the world and from your family’s future.

Circling Back

In last month’s newsletter, I told you about my family’s plan to enjoy Thanksgiving at my brother’s new apartment in New York City, just off 6th Avenue where the Macy’s Day Parade travels. Well, we did just that, seeing the parade in person for the first time, and it was awesome. My two children and their four cousins had a blast taking it in with each other. It was a truly memorable Thanksgiving, a story for our memoirs.

My son, daughter, and niece (in reflection) watch the Spongebob Squarepants balloon float by; a view from my brother’s building rooftop of the parade turning onto 6th Ave, Central Park behind.

My Latest Blog: How Genealogy Research Benefits Your Memoir

I know firsthand how unraveling your family history is an exciting and rewarding journey, providing a deeper understanding of your heritage and personal identity. Research into my family history taught me how my grandfather’s grandfather disembarked from port Hamburg, Germany, to arrive at Ellis Island in 1888. A generation later, my grandfather’s father and uncle Anglicized our name from Skwaris (which hails from a village in Ukraine) to Squires.

At, we offer a variety of ways to complement your memoir, creating a robust experience that incorporates multimedia, such as audio and video, and genealogical research. My clients who have elected to embark on genealogical research have been astonished by how much awesome information exists in the thousands of repositories around the world—far more information than the lay person typically finds on their own…

My client's grandparents' home address in Prague, 1898, and his mother's birth registry in Chrastava, North Bohemia, 1899

What’s Your New Year’s Resolution? Write More

Every January, people set New Year’s resolutions for themselves. In my circles, many resolutions have to do with writing, whether that’s producing more words on a regular basis, hitting specific milestones, or just beginning projects we have put off for one reason or another. People often procrastinate beginning certain projects because of how close to home those stories are. I do a lot of personal writing, and I know firsthand how difficult and taxing it can be. Writing other people’s stories, on the other hand, while still requiring real labor, is completely joyful.

Last month I posted a Thanksgiving gift, a LifeStory Memoir Tip Sheet to help you begin your own writing project. I received very good feedback on it, and a lot of clicks, so I want to call your attention to it once more in case you missed it. My hope is that it will inspire you to at least begin, or to pick up where you left off.

And of course, reach out to me if you have any questions or would like any help.

A LifeStory Music Minute

Finally, check out a short holiday music video I created a few years back. Hanukkah may have passed, but I figured, why not?

Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate. Here is a Hanukkah picture from the Squires home:

As we say goodbye to 2023 and hello to all that’s ahead, I wish everybody a wonderful holiday season, health, family, happiness, and PEACE!


LifeStory's mission is to make sure you do not lose your family's stories forever. The stories of your life or a loved one’s are legacies that belong in a cherished memoir for following generations to learn from. For more information visit If you would like to see these results for yourself or a loved one, fill out this contact form, or reach out to me directly at or 973-903-1487.

Yours truly,

Richard Squires, MFA, MA

Author & Publisher

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